Preparing Your Dog for Your New Baby

Preparing Your Dog for Your New Baby

Welcoming a baby into your home is an exciting time, but it can also be an adjustment for your beloved furry friend. Dogs thrive on predictability, so it's important to help them adapt to the changes that come with a new family member. Here are some tips:

  1. Start early: Before the baby arrives, make changes to your dog's routine to get them used to a new schedule. Consider signing up for obedience classes to address any behavior issues and ensure a smooth interaction between your dog and the baby.
  1. Familiarize your dog with children: Many dogs have never been around children before, so it's important to expose them to little ones in a controlled environment. Take your dog to the park and gradually introduce them to babies from a distance. This will help them acclimate to the sight and sound of children.
  1. Prepare your dog for the baby's arrival: Three months before your due date, start preparing your dog for their future "sibling." Use a doll to simulate the presence of a baby by carrying it around, using baby items, and exposing your dog to baby-related smells. 
  1. Plan for your dog's care: Arrange for dog sitters or trusted friends to take care of your dog while you're in the hospital. Consider enrolling your dog in doggie day care to provide them with socialization and activity during the early days of adjusting to the baby's arrival.
  1. Introduce your dog to the baby: When you come home from the hospital, greet your dog first to reassure them of your love and attention. Allow your dog to sniff and get acquainted with the baby under supervision. During nursing or feeding times, reward your dog with treats for calm behavior.
  1. Create boundaries and safety measures: Install safety gates to designate certain areas of your home as off-limits for your dog, giving your baby space to explore safely. Keep your dog's toys separate from baby toys to prevent any confusion. Also, supervise all interactions between your dog and baby to ensure their safety.

By following these tips, you can help your dog adjust to the arrival of your new baby and create a harmonious environment for everyone in the family. Remember, with patience, consistency, and proper preparation, your furry friend and your little one can become the best of friends.

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Excellent news 🧸👶🏼

Sara Pagano

Very helpful 🧸🫶🏻

Sara Pagano

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